Online course

Learn to learn

An indispensable course for anyone who learns new things, works with large amounts of information, self-educates and strives for success in their career

What do you need to be successful today?

Just a couple thousand years ago, physical abilities were crucial for success, but now it is intellectual abilities that are decisive. The most successful in society is no longer the strongest, but the one who learns faster and better than others, works with information and makes decisions. It is not for nothing that our age is called "the age of information".

Nathan Rothschild said: "He who owns the information owns the world."
Geniuses easily build careers, earn more money, invent new things, create businesses and make good money!

Guaranteed result

By taking the course, you are guaranteed to double your speed and efficiency:

  • Any learning and memorization
  • Foreign language studies
  • Processing large amounts of information
  • Writing articles, books, reports
  • Reading books and memorizing what you read

You will learn universal skills that are applicable to 80-90% of your work and training!

Not only will you learn how to work and study more efficiently and easily, but you will also reduce the time spent on these tasks by at least 2 times!

Get the course

By mastering technology, you will be able to:

  • Instead of 2-3 years freely speak a foreign language in 3-6 months

  • Prepare for the exam in an evening if you'd spent two or three days on it before.

  • In a week. study for and pass the session A's, and graduate with a year's worth of extracurriculars.

  • In 2-4 hours do more work with more information than an eight-hour workday

After the training, you will:

  • Two to three times faster and more effectively memorize any information
  • 1.5 to 2 times better learn and read at 500 words per minute
  • If you practice for another five to 15 hours. results will increase

Result forever

You will learn skills that will stay with you forever. Once you learn to ride a bicycle, even after 10 years you will get on it and ride.

And you will use these skills every day: at study, when reading books, correspondence, planning your day, which will constantly increase the effectiveness of their application.

Get the course

The course will help you:

  • Become a professional

    After all, that's what we study for the first third of our lives: 11 years in school, 5 in higher education and that's just the beginning if you want to become the best in your field.

    And isn't it a shame that a week after taking the exam you can't remember basic definitions, formulas and so on?

    By applying the skills you've learned, you'll Reduce training time many times over and get the best and lasting results .

  • Increase efficiency

    All people have 24 hours in a day, but some people somehow manage to do more than others. This is because their efficiency (the result obtained divided by the time spent) is higher.

    Thanks to the skills, on most tasks your efficiency will increase at least 2-3 times. This means that you will do in an hour what you used to do in 2-3 hours.

    The skills you learn will save you a lot of time.

  • Become successful and productive

    Success is always associated with results. The bigger the result and the faster you achieve it, the more successful you are.

    You will be able to graduate in 1-2 years instead of 5 years. Become an experienced professional not in 15 years, but in 3 years.

    Using the skills you have learned, you will to achieve more results in less time.

  • Get a lot of free time

    The one irreplaceable resource in life-- time !

    By learning and working with information 2-3 times faster, you'll spend many times less time getting results. Just imagine: just as transportation reduces travel time, technology will reduce the time spent learning and working.

    Thanks to the course, you'll be able to get back hundreds and thousands of hours !

Cost-effectiveness of the course

Let's calculate the benefit of the course.

Let's take the minimum results: doubling the speed of learning and working with information.

  • If you're student

    When you attend college, you spend 4-8 hours a day along with your commute.

    That's about 100-200 hours per month and 400-800 hours per semester.

    And this time commitment will not guarantee you solid knowledge and good grades.

    Many of our graduates, without attending college, prepare for the session in 1-2 weeks (20-50 hours), pass on excellent and have a deep knowledge.

    Savings over 5 years of training - 4,000 to 8,000 hours!

    If we multiply these figures by the minimum cost per hour of unskilled labor, we get 500,000-1,000,000 rubles.

  • If you're salaried employee

    You can easily get a promotion and a pay raise, or you can easily find a higher paying job, even in a different field (self-training is easy for you).

    For a person who knows how to learn, in the age of information, neither age limits nor lack of work experience is a hindrance anymore.

    Your value in the job market will increase many times over.

  • If you're businessman or working for yourself

    Your income directly depends on the result, you will immediately start earning many times more.

    Ask a typist how his well-being depends on his typing speed?
    Or with a web designer: does income depend on the quantity and quality of websites created?

    And business in general is pure information gathering and processing and decision making based on its analysis.

    The better you work with information, the faster and more correctly you make decisions.

In addition, by taking the course, you will be able to:

  • Reading, highlight and memorize more useful information that will make you an interesting and educated interlocutor
  • Free to keep your head all relevant and important information
  • Memorize names, dates of birth, preferences of all your colleagues, subordinates, friends, acquaintances
  • Understand any issue (from growing flowers to nuclear physics) 2-3 times faster than other people

You're going to cross over another level attitudes towards learning and knowledge:

Any learning task will go from "difficult and impossible" to "simple and doable", requiring only your time and attention.

On the course you will learn how to solve any tasks with information: search, processing, structuring, analyzing, transferring, memorizing, etc.

Get the course

Structure of the "Learn to Learn" course

  • 1 block

    Memory and attention development

    A basic course that gives the skill to memorize information quickly and firmly and increases the speed of most intellectual processes.

    Guaranteed results:

    Tripling the speed and volume of memorization of any information

    The two main skills you will learn on the course are:

    • Minimum three times faster memorize any information with 100% accuracy
    • Unlimited keep the information you memorize in its original form for a long time

    The course will teach you how to memorize in an easy and simple way:

    • The texts are verbatim
    • Any data structures (classifications, sequences, lists, etc.)
    • Foreign words, characters, signs, etc.
    • Numerical data, phone numbers, dates, etc.
    • People's names and more

    Memory Development Course - this is the foundation

    We recommend taking it before other courses as it:

    • Increases the overall speed of thought;
    • develops the main channel of information perception (visual);
    • Builds essential skills to work effectively with information.
  • 2 block

    Learning and information technologies

    Skills of fast processing, structuring and analyzing information, algorithms for building the process of any learning.

    Guaranteed results:

    Doubling the speed of any learning and working with information

    A full range of information handling and self-learning skills:

    from goal setting to gaining knowledge of the right level of depth in any field.

    Uniqueness of the course:

    more than half of the algorithms and tools of the course are author's and have no analogues in the world.

    You will gain skills:

    • Writing books, articles, diplomas, etc.;
    • Working with text: highlighting, structuring, outlining and memorizing;
    • Processing large volumes of heterogeneous information;
    • Effective use of mindmaps for non-linear outlining, planning and learning;
    • Self-preparation for any exams and tests.

    Knowledge gained through the use of technology versus conventional instruction:

    • Received 2-3 times faster
    • Hold on to your memory 5-10 times longer
    • More structured
    • Recover 4-6 times faster
    • Memorized, to be exact.

    We will practice all the algorithms on hundreds of pages of various tutorials and articles.

  • 3 block

    Effective reading

    Develops speed reading skills with 100% reading comprehension and memorization. Teaches to emphasize the main points in the text. Enriches your vocabulary. Increases the effectiveness of your intellectual capabilities.

    Guaranteed results:

    Tripling the speed of reading and reading memorization

    Module Outcomes:

    Your speech will become confident and pleasing to others
    • Improve diction;
    • Teach articulation exercises;
    • Let's tell you how to breathe properly;
    • We will put clear pronunciation with the help of cursive phrases and special exercises.
    Be able to process texts of any complexity without re-reading and outlining
    • Online Brain Exercisers;
    • Prove that it is possible to memorize and internalize large texts without rereading;
    • Teach you how to concentrate on reading so that background noise is no longer a distraction;
    • Let's show how to use peripheral vision to cover an entire line or an entire paragraph with your gaze.
    In the course you will read books that have been gathering dust on the shelf for years
    • Increase reading speeds;
    • Learn to read 2x faster and enjoy reading;
    • We will tell you about scanning reading - you will be able to find the necessary information in the text 1.5 times faster (suitable for those who have to read complex literature).
  • 4 block

    Personal effectiveness of an executive

    The course will help you improve your concentration and personal effectiveness.

    Guaranteed results:

    Your efficiency and motivation will increase significantly. You will learn to make decisions quickly and effectively and achieve your goals.

    Briefly about the course

    In the course, you will work through the four components of personal effectiveness:

    • Physical and mental processes. This is the foundation for personal development, without which the other steps are meaningless;
    • Motivation. It is a source of energy to be proactive and make changes in your life;
    • Skills and Qualities. The course allows you to practice the skills needed by a supervisor;
    • Time management. Allows you to effectively manage your own time and get the results you need quickly.

    On the course you will learn how to:

    • Articulate thoughts clearly and concisely;
    • Correctly formulate goals and objectives;
    • Synthesize information from multiple sources;
    • Work effectively with information in preparing for and delivering a presentation;
    • Quickly search, memorize, and process information from multiple sources;
    • Work with lengthy texts;
    • Effectively take in information by ear;
    • Quickly adapt to changing conditions in the work environment.

    Who is it good for?

    • Top managers of companies, business owners, highly skilled employees;
    • People facing the need to change jobs / learn a new profession.

    Course Objectives:

    • To give tools to change lives and increase personal effectiveness
    • Adapt to constant changes in the professional environment and learn to work with large amounts of information

Cost of Training

Basic Plan

  • Access to the course for 1 year
  • Interest-free installment for 6 months

In a lump sum payment


In installments for 6 months

$34 /month

Pro Plan

  • Access to the course for 1 year
  • 24/7 online support
  • Personalized feedback on assignments
  • Interest-free installment for 10 months

In a lump sum payment


In installments for 10 months

$35 /month

Premium Plan

  • Lifetime access to the course
  • Weekly live Q&A sessions
  • Personalized mentoring (2 sessions/month)
  • 1 bonus course of your choice

In a lump sum payment


In installments for 12 months

$55 /month

All our courses can be paid for with maternity capital


We are the Center for Educational Technology

  • 14 years

    We teach people to discover and develop their intellectual potential and increase their personal efficiency

  • 1.7 million

    people participated in our courses and workshops

  • 85 000

    people have taken our full courses

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